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18 Set
02 Ott


Data 18/09/2023 - 21:00 To 02/10/2023 - 23:59

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Tipologia: A girone

WOT EUROLEAGUE is four-team tournament between GER GRC ITA POL.


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Squadre iscritte Giocatori iscritti Livello carri
4 0 10
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Informazioni evento

Numero squadre: 4
Numero giocatori per squadra: 7
Livello carri consentito: 10


The WOT EUROLEAGUE is a one-way round-robin tournament for four teams that will be played over three nights.

Carri Carri consentiti

  • Each team will be composed as follows:
    – seven tanks tier 10
    – max three equal tanks
    – max one tank destroyer
    – at least one light tank
    – max two light tanks
    – no AVRE
    – no artillery


  • Teams available around 18:30 UTC, then start at 19:00 UTC (GER 21:00, GRC 22:00, ITA 21:00, POL 21:00)

  • Teams made up of seven players
  • Any reserve players, with the same membership tag, may be present in the room but will not appear as players or spectators, and will be converted into players if necessary
  • Matches in 10 min. multi base assault mode
  • Each evening will be accompanied by three maps to be played with the replace/respawn (six rounds)
  • At the end of each match, the following points are awarded: three to the winning team; one to both teams in a draw
  • If a team does not participate in a match, it will receive zero points; the opponent will be awarded the win with three points with the score 2-0


  • Round I -> 18/09/2023
    start at 19:00 UTC
    (GER 21:00, GRC 22:00, ITA 21:00, POL 21:00)

    Ghost Town
    Ghost Town (r)
    Vineyards (r)
    Westfield (r)

  • Round II -> 25/09/2023
    start at 19:00 UTC
    (GER 21:00, GRC 22:00, ITA 21:00, POL 21:00)

    Steppes (r)
    Fisherman’s Bay
    Fisherman’s Bay (r)
    Heilbronn (r)

  • Round III -> 02/10/2023
    start at 19:00 UTC
    (GER 21:00, GRC 22:00, ITA 21:00, POL 21:00)

    Himmelsdorf (r)
    Swamp (r)
    Prokhorovka (r)

Riepilogo squadre

Squadra Componenti
[SNAKE] Germany
[HARD-] Greece
[ITA] Italy
[PL] Poland

Dettagli gironi e classifica

Round I -> 18/09/2023
Round II -> 25/09/2023
Round III -> 02/10/2023